Hunting Pictures

Hunting is one of our favorite pastimes and we enjoy the thrill of the hunt just as much as we enjoy the yummy rewards.  (Viewer discretion advised, these pictures are of animals we have killed)

Big Lizard Wisdom

Two can live for the price of one if one doesn’t eat.

Favorite Verses

I’m so slick I can burn fire ants with a magnifying glass at night.

Dirt Word

No matter how strong you are, you cannot fold a piece of paper in half more than eight times, and you can’t lick your elbow no matter how long your tongue is.


If you get to thinking you are someone of high importance or class then go and try to boss your neighbors dog around… redneck reality check.


Only a real friends can distinguish between a real, I’m doing alright and a fake one. Only a real friend can tell there is hurt in your smile