Big Juicy

Big Juicy

Big Juicy is our front office assistant and Amy’s right hand woman. When it comes to running our day to day office duties and keeping everything peachy, she’s our girl. She takes care of The Lick and makes sure it stays nice and clean, and also makes sure the crazy customers don’t get to out of control. She’s tougher than a two-dollar steak, so don’t come around here acting up!

Big Lizard Wisdom

Just remember when jumping on something, it’s always a whole lot easier getting on than it is getting off of it. Some things are best left alone.

Favorite Verses

The reason we have shoulders is merely to be able to carry our burdens. Some are bigger than others, but they all can carry a heavy load.

Dirt Word

If your days are filled with hate, your life will be filled with hurt.  Remember scars are tattoos with better stories but not self-inflicted ones.


I’m learning brain cells come and go, but fat cells live forever.


Hope is wishing something will happen. Faith is believing it will happen