Lizard Staff


Ron Shirley

“If I tell You A rooster can pull a freight train, you'd better hook 'em UP!”

Ron is the President of LLTR and oversees the day to day operations of the repo company as well as heading up the repossession skip tracing department..

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Amy is the Vice President as well as the backbone of the repossession company.

The Lizard Drivers

Cousin Johnny

Cousin Johnny is a jack of all trades

The Lizard Office Staff

Big Juicy

Big Juicy is our front office assistant and Amy's right hand woman.


Tammy is our merchandise store manager and handles the front office, doing invoices, dispatching, and customer service. You enter Rontopia and the first face you see will be hers.

The Lizard Drivers

Big Lizard Wisdom

Bobby just told me his house was my house, so I told him to get the heck off my property, however he didn’t find it amusing.

Favorite Verses

Don’t be scared the government is having problems, the greatest results come from the other side of the greatest trials and problems

Dirt Word

Before you speak think, is what you have to say better than the silence that abounds because an unspoken word has never hurt or harmed anyone or thing.


My useless but true thoughts , hummingbirds can’t walk, elephants can’t jump, kangaroos can’ t jump backwards, and bees kill more folks than snakes.


Fear and Faith cannot occupy the same space