Big Juicy

Big Juicy

Big Juicy is our front office assistant and Amy’s right hand woman. When it comes to running our day to day office duties and keeping everything peachy, she’s our girl. She takes care of The Lick and makes sure it stays nice and clean, and also makes sure the crazy customers don’t get to out of control. She’s tougher than a two-dollar steak, so don’t come around here acting up!

Big Lizard Wisdom

You see the same stars from the valleys as you do from the mountain tops. Reaching them is possible no matter where you are.

Favorite Verses

The reason we have shoulders is merely to be able to carry our burdens. Some are bigger than others, but they all can carry a heavy load.

Dirt Word

I would rather crawl on my hands and knees for Jesus than two walk on my feet for any person – Think what you want about me I answer to a higher power


Life’s lesson #192: You can turn a housewife into a whore, but you can never turn a whore into a housewife.


Discord is always the sharpest of thorns.  If one is not happy with themselves they will find reasons to hate others.  Search self first and avoid thorns.