Big Juicy

Big Juicy

Big Juicy is our front office assistant and Amy’s right hand woman. When it comes to running our day to day office duties and keeping everything peachy, she’s our girl. She takes care of The Lick and makes sure it stays nice and clean, and also makes sure the crazy customers don’t get to out of control. She’s tougher than a two-dollar steak, so don’t come around here acting up!

Big Lizard Wisdom

Fear is actually having faith. Its just having faith it’s probably not gonna work out or go your way.

Favorite Verses

An itch of action a foot of dedication and a yard of perseverance is worth more than a mile of worry

Dirt Word

Many folks come upon a bridge that is out of order and turn around to find another route.  I prefer to get out of the car and continue on foot


If you feel more overwhelmed than a one arm paper hanger with jock itch, then your in the middle of the road.  All I’ve ever seen there is dead and stinks.


If you buy detergent because it says it removes blood stains from sheets, shirts, and walls, you have a bigger problem than needing to do laundry.