Big Juicy

Big Juicy

Big Juicy is our front office assistant and Amy’s right hand woman. When it comes to running our day to day office duties and keeping everything peachy, she’s our girl. She takes care of The Lick and makes sure it stays nice and clean, and also makes sure the crazy customers don’t get to out of control. She’s tougher than a two-dollar steak, so don’t come around here acting up!

Big Lizard Wisdom

We all face struggles we all have turmoil some of us are just better at hiding it than others are, lean on the One that can handle it all

Favorite Verses

Today I made a huge mistake. In doing so I learned that I can’t control other’s lives and decisions, but I can scare the life out of their boyfriends.

Dirt Word

I’d rather have hemorrhoids the size of grapefruits and ride a three humped camel across a rock quarry than go home with a mad redhead.


To truly be protected you need to arm yourself with a vision


A best friend finds hope in your hurt, promise in your pain, support in your surrender and teaching in your trials and tribulations.  My wife is my best friend.