Cousin Johnny

Cousin Johnny

Cousin Johnny is a jack of all trades. He tries his best at repos and towing… however his strong suit is definitely running our merchandise booths at meet and greets. If you have been to one of our meet and greets, this is the guy you will remember. He completely turned his life around and has become a very intricate part of Lizard Lick Towing and one of Ronnie’s closest relatives !

Big Lizard Wisdom

My pops said never trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and won’t die, My momma said don’t ever trust someone who doesn’t have strength to bleed for you.

Favorite Verses

Some days you’re the pigeon and some days you’re the statue. Just remember it’s hard to fly with eagles when you run with turkeys.

Dirt Word

The only thing I have ever seen in the middle of the road is dead and stinks. Take a stand, choose a side or become a casualty of uncertainty.


Bobby Brantley is so bad when the Hulk sees him he turns back into Bruce Banner.


Why is it things we love in live leave way too quickly and things we hate seem to never go away.