Ron Shirley – Repo Ron

Ron Shirley

Ron is the President of LLTR and oversees the day to day operations of the repo company as well as heading up the repossession skip tracing department. He is the man that puts the Ron in Ronpos and is in the seat of a truck as a real-life repo man most days and nights . He is also the Pastor Of the Eastern Chapter of Dirt Church and an Evangelist by grace.

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Big Lizard Wisdom

The prodigal son’s father could have chased his son, but waited with open doors, arms and love for his return.  Sometime you just have to wait with love.

Favorite Verses

Your proof that there are too many freaks and not enough circuses.

Dirt Word

If they can pull penicillin from molded bread then intelligence can be pulled from stupidity at least I hope so for your sake.


Lick Life Wisdom never corner nothing meaner than you unless you want to look like your face caught fire and was put out with steel spike cleats.


There’s 2 ways to spend life, you can build your dream or someone’s going to hire you to build their’s.