Swirly Earl

Swirly Earl

Swirly Earl is one of our repo agents/transporters. He gets the job done without any fuss or lip… and that’s why Ronnie likes him so much! He is also a pro-wrestler on the side so he is as entertaining a three eyed dog trying to herd blind chickens. He’s a great guy, who’s definitely one of a kind.

Big Lizard Wisdom

Remember, the snail made it to the ark through perseverance. Today’s stone is tomorrow’s step. Determination or extermination, your choice.

Favorite Verses

Pride is hard to swallow, easy to have, simple to show, difficult to hide. Pride can be a building block or a blockade. Control it, don’t let it control you.

Dirt Word

At the Lick we never play hide and seek.  We play hide and pray Big Juicy don’t find you.


You give some women heaven and earth and they still want a tobacco field in hell


Some people sit a lifetime waiting on the perfect moment , while others take the moments and make a perfect lifetime.