The Lizard’s Saga
The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.
I began Lizard Lick Towing and Recovery in the spring of 1998, using a 1996 Rollback and a plethora of hope and determination. By working on all my own vehicles most of my life, and having to leave college football due to injury, I decided to enter the automotive world and try to find my niche.

Ron at the Lizard Den
Having several years of experience in the sales departments of both new and used vehicles, and working up the ladder to the finance divisions, I had consumed and retained knowledge on almost all aspects of the automotive industry.Still, I felt my mind and talents were not being used fully. I was also a glutton for an adrenaline rush, and had a persona that craves as much of a mental challenge as a physical one, I dove into the world of repossessions.
Each day brings a new challenge to the table; each defaulted customer seems to provide a new challenge; and each satisfied account that we service seems to put a glowing stamp on the end of the day.
We have always been and will always strive to be a company that focuses on dependability, professionalism and dedication. We treat each account and each repossession with kid gloves, bending to the outermost limits to satisfy the lien holders and performing our duty in the way that they deem appropriate.
“Each day brings a new challenge to the table”
Each account is different and each lien holder has their preference, so we continually take into account their standards and beliefs while never losing site of our values. I take pride in personally working on every account myself. At this company, it must be a continual team effort.
About the Lizard
I feel it important in any business or personal relationship to know the person you are about to trust.Though a person’s actions will always overpower their verbal manifestations, knowing about the foundation that they have built their life upon will enable one a better spectrum from which to generate a more accurate opinion. I have found this to be true in both business endeavors and matters of true importance.
I was raised a simple Johnston County farm boy, growing up plowing fields and tending livestock. From the day I could walk, my father taught me many of life.