At the Lick for Lickmas 2014

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Big Lizard Wisdom

Sometimes the best laid plans are underminded by good intentions and detailed by common sense because instead of planning you should have been doing.

Favorite Verses

Everyone I see now adays are just trying to fit in.  They spend hours on end finding a way to do so but as for me I just want to stand out

Dirt Word

A best friend finds hope in your hurt, promise in your pain, support in your surrender and teaching in your trials and tribulations.  My wife is my best friend.


Easter to some is just another day. To others it’s a day that changed eternity.  Believe what you want but bunnies don’t lay eggs and salvation wasn’t free.


Work hard, hunt harder, take dirt roads, cut your own paths , fish often, and sleep in on Saturdays  above all live free and die a legend.