Cleveland County Fair – Shelby NC

Click to see the photos from our trip to the Cleveland County Fair!

Big Lizard Wisdom

It’s a dog eat dog world so don’t wear milk bone underwear.

Favorite Verses

I often pondered what the longest sentence in the world could be, then I looked at my wife.  I knew immediately what it was, “I do.”

Dirt Word

My useless but true thoughts , hummingbirds can’t walk, elephants can’t jump, kangaroos can’ t jump backwards, and bees kill more folks than snakes.


When you stir up the waters of life you’re going to find your swimming with sharks and they smell fear long before they smell blood.  Be a victor not a victim.


You should treat your friends like family, and your family like friends, because that’s how high you step, like a rooster in deep mud with tube socks on.