Memorial Day – Lizard Lick NC

Big Lizard Wisdom

Anyone who things great things can’t come from small beginnings has never stood beneath and oak tree and looked at an acorn

Favorite Verses

Do you let your thoughts dictate your actions or your actions dictate the way you think? Either way, you must control a bull when he’s in a China shop.

Dirt Word

When life gets tough just hang in there like a hair in a biscuit.  Do the best you can do and let the rough end drag. That’s the Lick Life.


When you’re hit by a stranger it makes you mad.  When you are hit by a loved one, not that hurts worse.  Many times the worst hits are never punched.


Do you let your thoughts dictate your actions or your actions dictate the way you think? Either way, you must control a bull when he’s in a China shop.