
Are you getting Married?

Do you want to have a ceremony that everyone will remember?  Have Revelation Ron help you tie the knot.  Ron is an ordained Evangelist and is legal to marry in the state Of North Carolina.  The Lick is now hosting weddings at the Lizard Lick Office.

Here is your chance to get married at Lizard Lick with Ron’s name on your marriage certificate.  Amy will attend all services with Ronnie so you will get the chance to spend some time with them after the ceremony.  Ceremony times are up to 1 hour long maximum.  Up to 10 guest max not including children.

You can get married on the rollback if you would like.  Those would be very memorable wedding photos.  We will strive to make your wedding an event you will never forget.  Fill out the form below and you will be contacted for more info.

Get Married at the Lick

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

Do you need wedding rings for the event.  Get your custom rings made by the same people that make jewelry for the Lick!  Check out our friends at Titanium Buzz




Big Lizard Wisdom

My daughter told me she changing the passwords to her email and twitter so I couldn’t get in. I said ok and I am changing the locks to the front door

Favorite Verses

If you think nobody cares trying missing a car payment.

Dirt Word

Stop telling God to look how big your problems are, rather start telling your problems to look how big your God is


Too many people lack the intelligence to carry on a conversation but don’t lack the ability to speak.


Discord is always the sharpest of thorns.  If one is not happy with themselves they will find reasons to hate others.  Search self first and avoid thorns.