Big Lizard Wisdom

To see who you are, don’t look in a mirror. Look at your kids and your friends and your family, then look at your heart. These things reflect who you truly are.

Favorite Verses

If you stop when the sun sets on your dreams you’ll never see the light that the stars can infuse.  Success is sometimes found in darkness.

Dirt Word

Forgiveness is the first step to happiness.  If you live your life thinking you have to enforce an eye for an eye the only thing you’ll find is blindness.


Don’t prejudge me, try & understand me. Don’t look at what I did. Watch and see what I will do. Don’t see who I am, but see who I will become in life.


There’s a world of difference in dancing with the devil and sleeping with him, because telling a man to go to hell and making him are two different ventures.